The period between the end of November and the second half of December, when the days get shorter and the nights longer, is the most difficult time of the year for many. The bright autumn colors have disappeared, the pure white snow is not yet as consistent, it is dark, cloudy and cold outside the windows.
Only from December 22, after the winter solstice, will the daylight gradually become longer again. And the approaching New Year will help to drive away sad thoughts. And to ensure that your mood doesn’t sink before then according to the thermometer, it is particularly important to take care of yourself and look after yourself.
Let’s start with the basics: To prevent seasonal doldrums, you need regular sleep of at least 8 hours, a tasty and varied diet, walks in the fresh air and other motor activities that you enjoy, such as yoga, walking, dancing and so on. Also, lots of encouragement and less stress.
But there are other ways to get through this difficult time better – we present them to you.
1. more light and color
Sunlight influences the production of dopamine, serotonin and other hormones that are responsible for cheerfulness and a good mood. The sight of colorful lights also increases the level of these substances in the body – which is why we like fireworks so much.
In late fall and winter, however, the sun is much rarer and you have to compensate for the lack of light yourself. Use brighter lighting and decorate your home with candles and lights. Bring color into play: decorative posters, inspiring pictures, colorful plaid – choose something that makes you happy and contributes to a cozy atmosphere.
2. listen to pleasant music
Start your day and continue it with energetic and positive tracks – preferably ones that remind you of a good time or event in your life. Another good way to get rid of negative emotions is to dance to hip-hop, rock or dubstep or to block them out. And, of course, sing along to your favorite artists.
3. take care of your body
Moping around not only causes heavy thoughts, but also puts a strain on your body. That’s why you should pay special attention to it during the cold season. Here are the methods you can try.
Deep breathing. When we are stressed, we often start to breathe short and confused, which triggers the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the tension. The result: increased anxiety and irritability. In addition, by holding our breath, we lose contact with our body and no longer perceive how we feel – both physically and emotionally. This is exactly what happens when we mope: We fall into negative thoughts or sink into a depressive state, sometimes without even realizing it. Breathing helps us to “return” to our body and become aware of how we feel. So try to pay attention to how you breathe several times a day or in moments of sadness or tension. And start breathing in the air with your entire diaphragm by engaging your belly. This will help you to let more oxygen into your bloodstream, refocus and relax. Sometimes just a few minutes of deep breathing is enough to calm you down.
Exercises to open the thoracic spine and shoulder girdle. When we are discouraged, we often slump and our shoulders heave and literally become “wooden”. The cold outside also makes us shrink. When we “open our arms”, the brain receives a signal at the body level that there is no threat. The basic principle of such movements is to spread the arms out, opening the chest, bringing the shoulder blades together and pulling the spine upwards. All exercises that aim to achieve this are suitable. For example, the famous yoga complex “Greeting to the sun”.
Massage of the whole body, as well as self-massage of the ears, feet and palms, contribute to relaxation and improvement of the emotional state, satisfy tactile hunger, allow you to warm up, relieve swelling and disperse blood. So be sure to pamper yourself in this way.
Hot showers, baths, soaks and spas are also a great way to warm up the body, calm the mind and lift the spirits.
Finally, hug your loved ones more often. This increases the release of endorphins, both for you and for them.
4. drink warm drinks
Such drinks have a calming, warming effect and give you a feeling of comfort and security. Tea with camomile, jam, fruit, spices, cocoa, coffee – choose a suitable variant. Your favorite soup will also lift your mood. The main thing is that you decide what you want right now.
5. capture thoughts and images on paper
If you catch yourself feeling sad or anxious, don’t keep your emotions inside, but express them on paper. Set yourself a timer for 15-30 minutes and write down everything that comes to mind without judging or setting boundaries.
Spontaneous sketches of how you feel are also good for this purpose. Take a pencil, pen, crayon, paintbrush or marker – whatever you like – and start drawing on a piece of paper. “Let go of your hand and let your inner sense of self take control. You can also do this electronically – in any drawing application available.
You can make such a discharge of all thoughts and emotions your daily or weekly ritual for the entire period of cold weather. And maybe you won’t want to give it up later.
6. do not neglect social contacts and creativity
Seeking isolation is a natural desire and behavior that our psyche tends to do when depressed. However, this often only exacerbates the feelings of depression and loneliness. It is very important to distinguish the need to rest and recharge your “social battery” from the desire to hide from everyone else with sad thoughts.
You don’t have to force yourself to celebrate extensively or throw loud parties – think about your resources and opportunities. Visit an exhibition or a creative workshop, sign up for an art therapy group and get to know yourself through drawing. Try group psychotherapy, go to a quiz, stand-up, karaoke or simply invite a friend over for tea. Choose the option that works best for you at the moment.
7. enjoy the company of animals
If you don’t feel like socializing with people, the company of animals is also a good way to lift your spirits. Play with your pet more often – it will make you both happy. And if you don’t have one, you can go to a cat café, take a friend’s dog for a walk or go horseback riding in the woods.
8 Try aromatherapy
Citrus and peppermint scents are best for chasing away gloom. But you can also try any other scent you like – for example, in the form of a cosmetic essential oil. Apply it to your wrists, the back of your neck or under your nostrils. You can also rub a few drops into your palms, put them together and inhale. Or you can buy scented candles, a diffuser or incense sticks.